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Gojo & Purell

It is now common knowledge that Gojo Industries (the manufactures of Purell) have gone into administration and have withdrawn from the UK/European market with immediate effect.

As a result, there is virtually no stock available to purchase, most of it has been distributed to the NHS.

We would like to offer existing Gojo/Purell customers a 10% discount when changing over to one of our other dispensing systems. Please telephone 01384 671505 to discuss this further with one of our helpful sales team.

Call our helpful team: 01384 671505

Opus Hand Care & Janitorial Range

Opus is the brand of hand hygiene products, owned and marketed by Excalibur Hygiene Limited. The Opus range continues to evolve, offering excellent value, promoting skin care regimes for all workplace and public environments, including industrial, commercial, healthcare and food processing. Opus Hand Care products provide employers with premium quality and reliable skin care programmes that maximise employee well-being, and which are cost effective. We are always seeking innovation in all we offer, especially in the context of environmental responsibility. Each member of staff is proud of our products and enthusiastic in recommending them. We know that Opus products work and we are always happy to advise. Our service is as reliable as our products, and if we make a promise we shall do everything in our power to keep it, because we value our integrity. We also enjoy what we do.